Management issue
The hotel, formerly knows as Emerald Forest Hotel, seems to have a health issue. The situation is still kind of unclear on just what is going on. You, the new management of the hotel have not given any comment yet and the pres we have not been able to contact you. Phone calls of several contact in the business markets are coming in and rumors are spreading in the social media. Leisure customers on their way to spend their holiday in the hotel are anxious for information and also start contacting your hotel to find out what the problems exactly is. The news is spreading really fast through social media. You as the new management which took over the hotel only 2,5 years ago, seem to be in trouble. Organize your management so that someone can focus on this problem.
- Christina's video
This is the video-message Christina send to you just shortly ago.
- Actions needed
Be sure that your coaches know about your actions as soon as possible.
Apart from this very urgent reaction, be sure to think of an overview of the issue by using the page Management solution.