29NL 4.1 Sales and intermediaries

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Sales and intermediairies


In the past, see history, the hotel relied heavily on its own sales. The were just occasionally working with agents or other intermediaries. The market has changed dramatically by disruptive online like Bookings.com


Have a plan for a new distribution structure and, at the same time, a plan that will boost the sales.

Task, deliverable

Fill out your answers in your Team File.
Using the available data on sales (occupancy), make a plan for the next four year which involves distributions via several types of intermediaries.
Make this plan concrete: so (maybe in an spreadsheet) makes calculations which part of the total of the reservations will come via which channels. Have a look at the costs (commissions, cost per sales etc.) of using these channels as well.
Do so in combination with a plan how to boost your sales: via these new channels or maybe also still directly to your target groups.

Assessed elements

  • Is the plan well calculated?
  • Is the plan realistic
  • Are the links between distributions, sales, revenues and costs okay?

Additional information

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