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What does the hotel look like?
To see what the hotel looks like there are seven pages:
The location of the terrace is next to the restaurant. Opening the doors of the restaurant opens the possibility to use the terrace which offers 25 tables and another maximum of 150 seats. Half of the terrace is covered.
A second terrace is possible, but not standard, at the entrance of the banqueting hall next to the parking lot as visible on groundplan B. This terrace is not standard available and only mad eon request as some banqueting festivities require this. At the back end of the hotel there is the park and no room or grounds to be commercially exploiatable by the Emerald Forest Hotel. So the parking lot for banqueting sometimes is limited to half and then a nice big terrace More info on the exact location and other groundplans in groundplan
Photos of the terrace
Video of the terrace
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