Help:Linking other software

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Here you will find instructions on how to use Web 2.0 possibilities and to embed other sites etc.

Remember to try and experiment with these possibilities in the Sandbox of your own game.

One of the opportunities of Web 2.0 which we have build into this game is the making of Mash-ups Check this link aangepast naar GB link is dit oke?. This means taking pieces out of other sites and showing them in your site, in your page on this Emerald Forest platform.

You can make mash-up or embed sites (which is pratically the same) by using specific codes which we will explain. This looks complicated, but it is not!

Blanks in names

If you embed a photo or something else, it is advisable not to have blanks (gaps) in the names of the files, for instance on Youtube, Flickr or Earth.

Instead of blanks use underscores (_) or the minus sign (-): this is something special in wiki-software. <no wiki> Do NOT use ' or * and & either </no wiki>.

This will cause problems in the platform.

All of these pages below will be kind of slow because there are films/doc's/pictures to be loaded.

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