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In the Game, you will work on assignments and decisions which will be evaluated by your coach, after consulting Jill Jandal. Each year this will end up in

  • a Business mark from your coach
  • a Creativity mark from your coach

Both will not be visible to teams, during the Game.

Business mark

Each of the four years, the way you handle 'your business (assignment)' will be evaluated by a mark. This means, depending on your tasks in this year:

  • Are your decisions (prices and costs) logical and linked to your strategy?
  • Are the explanations (in the Team File) sufficient?
  • Are there other signs that indicate good entrepreneurship?
  • If there is anything else required in the business assignment of this year, how did your hotel perform on this?

How well all of this is done, will contribute to the Business mark in that year. This mark is a key element in the algorithm that allocates customers to your hotel, so it heavily influences your occupancy rate. It is invisible to you. The Business competition is strongly linked to this, though based on your net profit.

Creativity mark

Based on how you executed the creative assignment of each year, your team will get a creativity mark. To have a proper competition on creativity and to emphasize the importance, each year you get a new creativity mark. The average of all of your creativity marks, divines the ranking in the Creativity competition.

Evaluation of the module

During the Game you will be evaluated on a number of things.
In any competition, there are different elements and different ways in which you are evaluated eventually. Ask your coaches for this.

Total mark

Depending on how your specific Game is evaluated, there will be a final mark for the whole of the Game.


One of the important things is to manage your team. The regular situation is, that the entire team gets the same marks.
This may not the case if:

  • a coach has good reasons to give different team members individual marks. For instance, as a result of lack of management attitude, missing out on meetings or sessions, or contribution to the team.
  • team members alert their coach on the lack of commitment of a team member.

Basis for marks

In a normal situation, the marking will be on the scale 1 to 10. If you are not familiair:

  • 10 excellent
  • 9 very good
  • 8 good
  • 7 fair
  • 6 acceptable
  • 5 not sufficient
  • 4 very weak
  • 3 not good
  • 2 bad
  • 1 very bad

But again, this might be different in your competition.

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. . . Emerald Forest Hotel offer an emerald hotel experience! Run your own hotel in this management simulation . . .