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As requested by many, we will embed AI-chatbot and do a total make-over of the Game. Bu the end 2024 the new version 0.9 will be released. So, sorry, every now and then, this version will be off-line or 'shakey'

Welcome to the Emerald Forest Hotel!

This platform will help you doing the management of my hotel, the Emerald Forest Hotel. We have recorded a message to you, have a look before you switch over to your competition on the left-hand side, in the menu. Good luck and thanks to all joining, Jill Jandal, CEO of the Emerald Forest Hotel.

Cat welcomes you on behalf of the Emerald Forest management

This is the homepage of your simulation in Breda, the Netherlands, called 52NL. All the content is in English as this is an international hotel. This is the homepage of your simulation in Breda, the Netherlands, called 52NL. All the content is in English as this is an international hotel.

Alinea III text

You and each of your classmates within your team, as new members of the Management Team, are tasked with the take-over of the Emerald Forest Hotel as the new Management Team. You will manage the hotel, bring improvements to its current operations, and deliver noticeable results when compared to prior years. Last year's performance results and its related decisions. will be made available to you. Along with historical data, this will serve as a point of reference. This becomes the same starting point for all (other) teams.
Your hotel is located in the Netherlands, or anywhere in Europe, in a number of (fictitious) cities. In each city, multiple hotels (8 or 9) are located. Your main competitors are the other existing hotels, within your city. CEO Jill Jandal and owner Christina Bergman want you to effectively manage the Emerald Forest Hotel. Your coaches will help you achieve this task; meanwhile, Jill and Christina will be following any developments along the way behind the scenes.

Alinea IV image

The competition in Breda has ended, a big shout-out to all joining in, the Teams as well as the coaches, it has been a pleasure.
The competition in Breda has ended, a big shout-out to all joining in, the Teams as well as the coaches, it has been a pleasure.The competition in Breda has ended, a big shout-out to all joining in, the Teams as well as the coaches, it has been a pleasure.

Happy student taking etc
See them shine!

Nice to see the ‘Golden Bell’ award Breda University of Applied Sciences as final of the Emerald Forest Hotel simulation. Congrats to winning Teams

  • Public award Hotel Malia
  • Public award Hotel Malia

Hotel simulation. Congrats to winning Teams. Nice to see the ‘Golden Bell’ award Breda University of Applied Sciences as final of the Emerald Forest Hotel simulation. Congrats to winning Teams.

Alinea 5 list - collapse

Customer Acquisition Cost, abbreviated as CAC, is the cost of winning a customer to book a hotel room. With CAC, any company can gauge how much they’re spending on acquiring a (new) customer. Elements like loyalty and life-time-value play an important role. If the CAC is profitable to the hotel at all, has to do with the RevPOR. If the CAC is efficient, has to do with the ROI (return on investment).
CAC can be compared to, for instance:

  • When operating on your own, direct sales;
  • When using other ways of distribution.

There are many different ways to calculate your CAC.
Often CAC is directly related to the fee /commission paid to the intermediary, the channel used. An indication of the costs would be anywhere between 2% and 15% of the sales, depending on many different things like:

  • Contracts
  • Being a preferred supplier or not
  • Eas of the sale
  • Options the partner offers
  • The handling the partner takes care of
  • The cancellations arrangements
  • (Advance) payment services
  • etc.

Due to Covid, hospitality (sales) is even more 'concentrated' than before and there are fewer 'players' in the field. Until now, the tendency has been, that CAC was going up; it is hard to predict what the future will bring.

Alinea 6

These are strongly linked to distribution and promotion. Again, in the past no money was spent on this. So, if you kick this up in any way, it will be a decision in the group marketing costs.

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. . . Emerald Forest Hotel offer an emerald hotel experience! Run your own hotel in this management simulation . . .