31NL Assignment 2.2 on creativity
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Management issue
As in reality unexpected things will always occur: sometimes for the god, sometimes for the bad. As management you have to be prepared, but even ore important, you must act. All eye will be on the management team concerning steps to be taken.
Now there is a special vent taking place: what it exactly is you will hear in due time. There is no road map on what to do and how to act. But the situation is urgent and demands for steps to be taken.
Solving the problem. Making sure it never happens again. Secondly making sure everybody is rightly informed (and safe). Thirdy: minimizing the 'damage' for the customers but also or your enterprise.
Task, deliverable
making a plan how to handle the situation. Write an extensive document on this (3-4 pages), upload it somewhere in the cloud and put the link in cel E47 ('Additional information for your coach'). Be sure the link is clickable and the document is public. Elements that should be in:
- solving the situation right now
- who is responsible for which tasks
- how to communicate to all target groups, the more you do for real the better
- do a first reaction in the Facebook group (do a screen copy in your event-document)
- assessing the damage of the situation (costs)
- preventing the situation in the future (costs?)
It all together should be a plan.
Assessed elements
- How quick and realistic was the response?
- Is it clear what the total of the plan is?
- Are all stakeholders been contacted?
- Are the costs somehow realistic?
Additional information
- Staff
- Safety tips for staff in hotels
- {http://www.kokkorisins.com/blog/common-risks-hospitality-businesses-recommended-insurance-coverage Common risks in Hospitality]
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