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Limited information
Though in reality, this is an interesting and even important item, we do not look at liquidity in the game. So the hotel has no liquidity problems and you can pay for almost all costs you plan. it seems strange for a company of this size, but there just doesn't seem to be any record of this. Therefor it is also obscure why investments which seems to be needed, haven't been done yet. The Ltd. doesn't have any liquidity problems, but because of the many private and corporate bank accounts it is hard to tell what the situation as right now. There is enough liquidity, that is for sure. And, the account has stressed many times, this needs to be solved: there has to be moe clearly insights into this (also form a legal and tax point of view).
(Additional) decisions taken (also investments) will lead to the variable, additional costs which ony ae limited by the required profit. The trick is to make an acceptable net profit (see history) and to realize that any new, additional euro as an expense, will also bring new revenues.
(Additional) investments will bring extra depreciations and so extra costs, but there is be no problem with the liquidity.
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