Joining the game

From Emerald Forest Hotel
Revision as of 15:13, 9 October 2024 by Vinkesteijn (talk | contribs)
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What can the game do for you?

The main assignment for participants in this game is to "take over" the Emerald Forest Hotel and manage it in the best possible way.
The training of management skills in coaching, education is key. The perfect way to:

  • Better motivate and train staff
  • Improve learning results
  • Work on creative solutions and try them out
  • Work on team building
  • Practice or train specific items you put forth yourself and which can be used in the simulation
  • Acquire concrete learning of hotel and hospitality concepts

Everything related to the Emerald Forest Hotel simulation and all of its content (on this platform, Social Media, documentation etc.) is protected by law, IP; so not free to use. Participants with a license can use all content related to the game during the license period.
The simulation is as realistic as possible and based on a real hotel. There is a wide range of 'tasks': most of them related to general managerial skills, and some (up to you) linked to very specific hospitality 'tasks'. There is a lot of freedom-personalization possible in this, as long as it fits within the storyline. First want to see the Game in action? Check Game in action.

Distance learning, blended learning

This Management Game is completely online with strong links to social media; it is easily usable in a'live' classroom - boardrooms situations as well. The entire simulation consists of much more than just this platform: There is social media, PowerPoints, instructions, photo streams, video channels, e.g. A number of 'live' elements and 'live' coaching make the Game much more attractive and will increase engagement. A blended form, as done during Covid-times, is possible as well. The Game is built for commercial companies in the service industry and for students at any university or higher education institute. The game has an international character.

  • A completely online version is possible
  • A blended version is possible: 'live' courses, 'live' coaching, Teams actually meeting, Team doing a 'live' presentation , etc. All Games played so far (apart from the Covid versions), have a very strong 'live' component.
  • Ideal for an international week or summer course.

Main elements of the simulation

Want to see more? Check the other videos of Games played, on page Wrap up videos or check Game in action.

Partner or industry?

You can apply the game to your university or company: We offer different options to customize it.
We are also looking for more connections with the (real) hotel-hospitality industry. So if you are representing an international hotel chain, we are looking for ways to cooperate, contact us at emeraldforesthotel at

We offer three licenses for using Emerald Forest Hotel

1. Light version The basic version, to start or to keep all in your own hands and benefit from the story line.

  • The story line of this platform and all linked elements can be used under license
  • We can provide a one-day training session focussing on a Trade Fair or on creativity, marketing or communication
  • We provide an experienced coach as well
  • Especially appropriate for hotels and other hospitality companies

2. Medium version On your way to have a great start in filling in the dots of your course!

  • The story line of this platform and all linked elements can be used under license
  • You can choose from the many assignments available or add your own
  • Coaches will get a login to see specific parts of the platform and be able to edit some of them
  • You will get the instruction guide How to Use Emerald Forest Hotel with an explanation of all the elements and various media, a suggested timeline, recommended use of the story line, etc.
  • You will receive a promotional package in support of the game: roll-up banner, flag(s), business cards, medals and door hangers
  • You will get a personalized competition page on the platform for your competition
  • You will be welcomed on our Emerald Forest Hotel's media channels and social media
  • Independent of this platform, you can create your own content linked to the story line
  • A training for your coaches

3. Fully customized version
No worries, everything taken care of. In addition to the "Medium" version benefits, you will get the following elements:

  • Setting up a Facebook group
  • Creating a personalized competition with teams making their own management decisions
  • Each team having its own private Team File with Year 1-2-3-4 decisions during four 'years'
  • A WhatsApp group for support
  • We could help you with assignments and personalized messages from the former owner of the hotel
  • You could add content to the platform which suits your plan/game and fits in with the story-line
  • We could even 'run' the game providing the coaches or having coaches to assist you
  • Whatever your suggestions are....

Please e-mail emeraldforesthotel at gmail for an exact quotation.

What is it about?

The Emerald Forest is a simulation of a hotel which is as realistic as possible. We are using benchmarks from the industry and real-life events to spice up the competition. We have investigated a number of hotels to find some kind of logic in how to get customers, but also paid special attention to realistic costs and turnover.
A few important elements, as shown in the video, are:

  • The simulation is flexible
  • The entire simulation is internet based
  • It is very much linked to social media
  • The case is 90% real, but also virtual. The hotel exists; the Emerald Forest Hotel doesn't...
  • It is international and there are many benchmarks and points of reference
  • As all teams started with the same situations you can learn and be inspired by the hundreds of other teams, competitions, cultures, and countries
  • Success of the Teams is based on two metrics: one competition on profit and one on creativity
  • You can set the goals of the course yourselfs, link it to your company training or curriculum, SLO's
  • We have additional information regarding the Game content on this page

Your school, institute or company?

As you are the experts in the field, we would like to invite you to participate in this simulation and join over 100 who already have.
This can be by:

  • Evaluating teams

You are very much welcome to help to evaluate the work done by the competing teams, being a jury member in any competition.

  • Having the staff of your company participating as a team

You can form one or more teams with your company, or maybe even be a team by yourself and join in one of the competitions and experience the simulation yourself.

  • In-company training

The simulation could also be used for in-company training. As there are a lot of live activities we need to have close contact on this regarding the number of participants and other details.

  • Reviewing

We welcome any comment on the content of the simulation, and others aspects, such as the ratios used. Check the page Game in action for reports of competition played so far.

We help you do it yourself

We have experience in setting up simulations like this. We could give a basic course in creating the simulation, getting set up, basics of a story line, game mechanics, technical experiences, etc. If you are setting up something like this yourself, you will own it; you will never be depended on any game offered. An efficient start would require three sessions of 4 hours each.
Please browse through the pages on this platform and contact us with any questions, e-mail to emeraldforesthotel at

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. . . Emerald Forest Hotel offer an emerald hotel experience! Run your own hotel in this management simulation . . .