C Create a merchandise line

From Emerald Forest Hotel
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Name of assignment

Create a merchandise line for the hotel. With merchandise we mean products (probably tangible) that can be sold and have a strong relation to the hotel and it's strategy. Beware, because often anything wich can be sold is called merchandise. Sometime the word fad merchandise, custom merchandise or branded merchandise is used, for what we mean. So it is not (promotional, free) giveaways and not elements in the (traditional) product the hotel offers, like ameneties. Hotel amenities are desirable or useful features provided when booking or renting a room at a hotel, taking a flight e.g. There is a strong link between all three categories.


The Emerald Forest hotel does have a kind of house style. It is not recorded in documentation or with a specific plan or purpose. Because of the history (the name) green has been a logical choice to use green in the logo for example. The hotel, so far, never used the concept of 'merchandise'.
With the number of guest nights and guests it might be interesting to start a merchandise line.


Create a merchandise line, matching your strategy. The line should serve several goals:

  • it should give guest the opportunity to buy a memory, a present for at home etc.
  • all of it should also have a promotional element
  • it should bring revenues and profit

Chose the products (or product categories) your want to use, and give concrete numbers that give an indication of numbers to be sold.

Task, deliverable

Make a concrete merchandise plan with product categories (product range) and products linked to your new hotel. Make sure the difference between amenities, give aways and this merchandise is clear. Merchandise has to be bought (or maybe be part of a loyalty plan).
Be sure it contributes to the three goals set and make clear what the (main) products look like. Keep the reasons for buying the merchandise from a customers perspective in mind. The 'buyers' don't have to be hotel guest only, think of the different target groups and the other stakeholders.

Assessed elements

  • Does the merchandise reflect the strategy?
  • is the link with the customers needs and other stakeholders clear?
  • Is the link with the goals set clear?
  • Is the product-range clear, and is it clear what the products will look like?
  • Are all the sources accounted for?

Additional information

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Emerald Forest Hotel offering an emerald hotel experience! | Run your own hotel in this management simulation.