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Number of booking
Almost all calculations are based on the occupancy rate: this is the number of the room occupied in a certain period as a percentage of the total rooms. So, 25 rooms occupied during the weekends (3 nights: Friday, Saturday, Sunday) in a year means 25 x 3/7 x 365 = 3,910 rooms occupied in a year. But this does not mean there are 3,910 bookings: any booking can (and will very often) comprises more nights then just one. If we have, for instance, an average of two nights per booking, the real number of bookings is 1,955 for the weekends.
The number of guest nights is something different.
Keep in mind that calculations are never 'perfect': there is always a difference caused by cancellations (yes or no refunds, double bookings, short stays etc. This all together might bring a difference up to a view percent in the expected revenues linked to the occupancy rate.
The number of bookings is of importance because of:
- reservation systems
- costs related to a booking
- database of guests
In the situation of the Emerald Forest Hotel we are not actively doing anything with the number of bookings right now.
Limitations of the game
There are no cancellations, there are no no-shows and as we do not work with liquidity.
All rooms are paid for in the same year as the booking is made, and all arrivals are in the same year as the year in which the booking is made.
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