Template:Hotel all elements

From Emerald Forest Hotel
Revision as of 15:13, 14 September 2024 by Vinkesteijn (talk | contribs)
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What does the hotel look like?

To see what the hotel looks like, there are eight pages:
→ Go! Rooms | Reception | Restaurant | Outside hotel | Banqueting | Facilities | Park | Terrace

For a good starting point, for example, of the cost of hotel 'equipment', you can look this guide: https://www.nehmer.com/costguide.
This gives an overview of costs related to renovating the rooms.
Or use Operto or horwathhtl to get an idea. Check for details on costs of new investments. Feel free to use another guide, if that is more appropriate for your hotel. Do not get lost in too many details; rather think in hundreds and thousands of euro's.